venerdì 8 luglio 2011

Seminars of close examination on the production of the independent documentary

Opening of the registrations to the first session of "Deepening seminars on the production of the independent documentary" that they will have been held to Lecce since 25 to July 30 th 2011.
The seminars, of the duration of 36 hours, they are structured in 3 forms:
  • Documentary Business e Production Management of 16 hours
  •   Advanced techniques of shooting of 12 hours
·         Editing video of 8 hours.
The course is organized from Officinema and from the Cultural association Contemporary Addiction within the proposed initiatives this year from the Ecological International Film Festival.
The registrations can be effected within on July 20 and the seminars they will be held near Aphorism of Lecce (73100 Umbria Street Lecce - Center of Culture Giovanni Paul II) by her 14.00 to the 20.00 from 25 to July 30.
It is possible download the entry form and the  rule  from the sites:

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